
Campaign “Anonymous Mother”

Ethics, Project News

Recently you must have noticed billboards quoting an anonymous mother sheep. “I DON’T
WANT MY BABY TO END UP AS GRILL” quote attracted huge public attention.

Why? Who is behind this campaign and what is its purpose?

The Vegan Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina “VivaBiH” has launched a public campaign
against meat called “Anonymous Mother” on the 7th July 2021.

The campaign consists of many visuals showing a personal, emotional message of animal
mothers who suffer and are tortured on a daily basis in various industries that abuse animals for
food. The goal of the campaign is raising awareness on the emotional suffering that animal
mothers, especially mammals, go through every time their child is separated from them to be
used for producing animal food.

Billboard that depicts a lamb with its mother was the first billboard in the campaign. It is a
Bosnian and Herzegovinian custom to brutally slaughter an animal for any holiday, birthday,
passed exam etc., which we believe to be completely unnecessary, having in mind that in the
modern world we have access to the meat alternative food that is affordable and tasty, and at
the same time more suitable for humans.

Our association promotes veganism i.e. benefits of that lifestyle. With these billboards, we
would like to bring our understanding of ethics closer to the public. We are aware that we are
born in the world of carnism and that we are blind to the fact that our meal is someone’s baby,
mother, sister etc. Many vegans give up on meat exactly because of this, even though there are
health and environmental aspects of veganism. Plant based diet has proven to be the healthiest
diet for humans, especially in the time of pandemic, and by going vegan you reduce your carbon
footprint and protect the environment.

“Anonymous Mother” campaign caused a great number of both positive and negative reactions
by the public, especially because we identified the animal mother with the human mother, and it
is very hard for people to accept the fact that a lamb is really someone’s child i.e. baby. This
campaign gave voice to a mother who has feelings and knows why they raise her and her baby
and we brought her suffering closer to people. Her suffering is as real as the suffering of any
human mother that loses her child.

We hope that we will call attention to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order for them to
realize the brutality and the futility of killing huge numbers of animals for a short meal even
though we have the choice not to in the 21st century.

Our campaign includes 24 billboards and 4 LED billboards all around Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka, Jablanica and Mostar)


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