Većina ljudi teži konzumiranju bolje hrane kao i zdravijem načinu života te da učine više za svijet kako bi postao bolje mjesto za sve njegove stanovnike_ce.
Dobra vijest je da možete ostvariti sve to ako postanete vegan_ka!
Farmski uzgoj životinja ima jednu od glavnih uloga u sveukupnoj ekološkoj katastrofi naše planete odmah nakon industrijskog sektora.
Stočarstvo je jedan od vodećih uzročnika najozbiljnijih ekoloških problema.
Jedna od najzdravijih prehrana na svijetu je cjelovita biljna prehrana. Najveći uzročnici smrti su povezani sa unosom životinjskog proteina i nauka podržava vegansku prehranu. Neke od najjačih životinja na planeti Zemlji su upravo biljojedi.
Životinje osjećaju bol jer imaju centralni nervni sistem kao i ljudi, ali i iste potrebe kao što su: kretanje, druženje s pripadnicima svoje vrste, odgajanje svoje djece te zabava.
Proizvodnja mesa je veoma rastrošan način proizvodnje hrane. Naime, u prosjeku za proizvodnju kilograma mesa, potrebno je potrošiti 10 kilograma biljnog proteina (čak i više ukoliko se koriste žitarice, soja itd.), kao i oko 10 000 litara vode.
Most people aspire to consume better and healthier food, become healthier themselves, and do something for the world to become a better place for all its inhabitants. The good news is that you can accomplish all your aspirations by becoming a vegan.
Farm animal cultivation has one of the central roles in the overall ecological catastrophe of our planet, right after the industrial sector. Cattle farming is one of the leading causes of the most serious ecological problems.
One of the healthiest diets in the world is the complete plant-based diet. The most common causes of death are related to animal protein intake, and the science is already clear on this. Some of the strongest animals on Earth are herbivores.
Animals feel pain. They have the central nervous system, just like people do. Also, they have the same needs as humans: The need to move, hang out with the members of their species, raising their children and having fun.
What is the food that makes more people starve the more we produce it? The answer is: meat! This is because producing meat is an incredibly wasteful type of food production. On average, in order to get 1kg of meat, you need to spend 10kg of vegetable protein as well as about 10 000 litres of water.