
Slowly but surely, our Vegan Weekend is going around the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina. Last time, we held our activities in Mostar for the first time.

On Friday we gathered at 19:00 PM at the Youth Cultural Center Abrašević (OKC Abrašević), where we hosted the ‘Game Changers’ film screening, after which the attendees tasted vegan food from Tecó, a local gastropub.

During the hangout, over some delicious food, we talked with the attendees about vegan principles and our reasons for choosing a vegan lifestyle.

The following day, we organized the Anonymous for the Voiceless ‘Cube of Truth performance.

‘Cube of Truth’ is an activist performance at which activists go out and stand in the busiest part of a city, form a square, and show graphic images of the standard procedures of animal exploitation in various industries (mainly the food industry) on their monitors and laptops. During the performance, there is also a number of activists who stand next to the ‘cube’ and talk to interested passersby. Even though we generally were met with positive reactions in every city we went to, we must emphasize that, in Mostar, they were the most positive so far. Thanks to all who showed up for your interest and kindness!

Big thanks to the kind staff at OKC Abrašević and Tecó gastropub, as well as to everyone who attended the film screening and/or the performance. Special thanks to our volunteers who helped us with the organization.

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