

As 2024 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the achievements and make plans for the upcoming year. If you're thinking it's the right time to adopt healthier eating habits, we have great news for you! Our organization is organizing the VegOdluka challenge for the 5th time, a special program that will help you take your first step toward a healthier lifestyle. What is VegOdluka? VegOdluka is a unique program designed to support you in adopting a vegan diet throughout January. Since 2020, hundreds of people across Bosnia and Herzegovina have joined this challenge and discovered the beauty of nutrient-rich and delicious plant-based food. This year, the program is richer than ever, and participation is completely FREE!

The project "Biram zdravlje, biram veganstvo" (I Choose Health! I Choose Veganism!) started on World Health Day, April 7, 2024, and lasted for six months, concluding on October 7, 2024, with the goal of promoting veganism and its health benefits.

Preparations for the third VivaBiH Fest are in full swing and we are looking for energetic and enthusiastic part-time workers who will help us make this event unforgettable!

Today we celebrate World Vegetarian Day, a date that marks the beginning of Vegetarian Awareness Month, which ends on November 1st with the celebration of World Vegan Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the ethical, ecological, and health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle, and the tradition of celebrating it began in 1977. Over time, the importance of this day has grown worldwide.

On July 6, 2024, the busy citizens of Sarajevo witnessed a powerful street performance organized by VivaBiH titled 'The World Through Their Eyes', which aimed to raise awareness about the suffering of farm animals. Dedicated activists were at the heart of this poignant demonstration, embodying the silent suffering of animals who have no voice in anything.

As part of this year's Kvirhana festival, 02.06.2024. in the Bluesberry Bar in Tuzla, we organized a Vegan grill. This event showed that even without meat, you can enjoy top quality grilled food.

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, in the heart of Sarajevo, we held a performance entitled "Krv na vašim rukama" ("Blood on your hands"), an act that shook but also awakened the conscience of the public.

Members of our organization, Ajdin Arnautović, Maria Pehar, Nikolina Bulović and Džan Arnautović, participated in this year's March for Animals, which took place after a four-year break, on Saturday 13 April 2024. in Zagreb. The March for Animals was organized by Friends of Animals and Pobjede Association, with the support of members of the Animal Protection Network and other associations.

On Thursday, 04.04.2024. year, we organized a free VEGAN IFTAR with a rich buffet in the Bistro Zdravo restaurant in their event space, known as Košnica.