

Have you noticed new city lights at the City Light locations in Sarajevo and billboards in Tuzla? Have you maybe stopped and thought about their content? 

VivaBiH Association has done a billboard campaign in Tuzla, as a continuation of our public campaign that started in Sarajevo with 12 city lights. The campaign in Tuzla includes 15 billboards at various locations in the town. 

Have you ever heard of carnism? Carnism is a violent belief system that includes conscious and planned animal violence. Unfortunately, it is a system of belief of the majority of the world population, who are blindly adhering to it. Principles of carnism are adopted by most of us from our birth, and we take them for granted, and we are forced into believing that things cannot and should not be different. 

Do you believe that meat is necessary for survival? Is the reason you are still eating animal products a necessity or your unconscious choice? You are probably buying “domaće” animal products, products you obtained from animals who lead “happy” lives at local farms. This is a discourse fed to you on TV commercials, billboards, and in shopping malls. Have you ever thought about it? Would you ever change places with cows at farms? Imagine, you are living at a farm, they milk you every morning, take your child away from you, and then they kill you in a “humane” way. Do you think that it is humane to kill a live being who, if it had the ability to speak, scream and beg you not to kill it? 

Carnism is deeply rooted in our society. The city light campaign by the VivaBiH Association invites you to start thinking. Do you, when you enter a shopping mall, buy animal products because you have to, or because someone taught you that it is the only right way. Why do you dislike it? Veganism, even though it is merely a lifestyle that does not harm animals in any way?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images=”2936,2935,2934,2933,2932,2931″ img_size=”1080×1080″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This campaign is supposed to make you think about all of the aforementioned things. Would you slaughter and eat your pet, or milk them for their dairy product? We believe that your response is negative. What is the difference between these animals, apart from the fact that society taught us that we must care for ones, and slaughter the others? Why can’t we love both and let them lead normal lives? 

Tomorrow, when you pass by billboards by VivaBiH Association, think about all of this, then sincerely ask yourself, would you be able to torture and slaughter animals every day, just so you could enjoy a 15-minute meal.  

Why do we care for one, and slaughter the other? It does not have to be like this. The choice is yours. Choose to be humane! [/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”2927,2928,2926,2929,2930″ img_size=”1920×1080″ autoplay=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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