
This is why we shouldn’t drink animal milk

This is why we shouldn’t drink animal milk

This is why we shouldn’t drink animal milk

Ethics, Good to know, Health, Latest, Okoliš

When you buy a product, do you think about its origin and harm to us, the animals and nature?

For the sake of profit, the dairy industry with its dairies and farms destroys everything and everyone in its path.

Did you know that the consumption of animal milk is quite young compared to the existence of the human species?

Compared to the 300,000-year history of our species, drinking animal milk is definitely a new habit. Based on the teeth, historians have learned that the practice of drinking animal milk among humans began only 6,000-10,000 years ago.

Biologically speaking, animal milk is not for humans, as it contains a type of sugar called lactose, which is different from the sugar found in fruit and other sweet foods. When we are babies, our bodies produce a special enzyme called lactase to digest the lactose in breast milk, but the ability of humans to do this as adults developed later.

The first people to regularly drink milk were early farmers in Western Europe – some of the first people to live with domesticated animals, including cows.

Lactase persistence is not a universal trait, and because of this, many people around the world are actually lactose intolerant.

Most of the people on the planet today consume substances that are not intended for human consumption because of the unnatural way of thinking of those primitive people.

Mass consumption of milk started only after the First and Second World Wars, because during the wars the American government sent canned milk and powdered milk to soldiers abroad, thus increasing production.

After the war, production did not stop, but the demand decreased. To reduce the loss and spoilage of milk, the government encouraged demand. Thus began the propaganda of the dairy industry, which still rules the world.

The focus has always been on the family and the illusion that happy cows give quality milk that is healthy for people.

The first “Eat more MILK” posters were from 1918, and over time, the propaganda of the dairy industry crept into all spheres of our modern life (from cartoons to various advertisements, and even state campaigns). You can read more about the propaganda of the dairy industry in our post HERE.

Many ugly truths are hidden behind the colorful advertisements of the dairy industry, primarily the sadness and pain of the poor animals that were born and imprisoned in the dairy industry.

The life of “happy” cows on green meadows is nothing but a myth of the milk industry and products that use the “best, healthiest..” milk in their products (chocolate, ice creams…).

What does the life of cows in the dairy industry really look like?

Like other mammals, the cow produces milk for her young. In the dairy industry, cows are forcibly inseminated by having a bull’s sperm injected into their vaginal canal at the age of only 12 months, so that in a few months people can profit from their milk.

Within a few hours, the newborn calf is separated from its mother in order not to drink the milk that is “intended” for humans, and the mother cow often cries for days and calls out for her child, whom she will never see again.

The calf will also suffer for its mother until the end of its life, because it needs warmth and love, just like all of us when we are small and helpless.

Whether the calf is male or female, his/her fate is sealed at birth.

The male calf will end up in the slaughterhouse after only a few months of life, and the female calf continues its mother’s circle of hell (forced insemination and child abduction). The average life of a cow in the dairy industry is only three years, and after it “expires its use-by date” due to exhaustion, it is taken to the slaughterhouse.

In our posts, you can find more information about the fate of cows in the dairy industry. Reading LIFE OF THE FEMALE CALF and LIFE OF THE MALE CALF.

The dairy industry is as horrible as any other industry where animals are treated as consumer goods. However, the milk industry is on the scale of horror, we can say, at the very top.

The Impact of the dairy industry on our health

In addition to cruelty to cows, for profit, the dairy industry manipulates our beliefs and destroys our health.

It has been proven that milk has a great impact on human health, only that this impact is not the desired one.

Milk can contain various pesticides, traces of various antibiotics and other drugs, and even heavy metals. Besides that, pathogens and bacteria that can be fatal to humans can often be found and developed in milk. In addition, it also contains saturated fat and 75 synthetic, natural and sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and it is legal for milk to contain a certain amount of feces, blood and pus.

Except for the fact that 65% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant, milk can also cause other allergic reactions such as rashes, and swelling on the hands, face and lips. Suffocation and breathing difficulties can occur, and it can even cause anaphylactic shock.

One of the things animal milk is richest in is saturated fat, which people should keep to a minimum. Saturated fats lead to clogging of blood vessels and heart disease. These fats also lead to unwanted acne.

Consumption of animal milk is also associated with many other diseases, such as cancer (prostate and uterine cancer) and diabetes, and there is also the myth that milk strengthens bones.

Our bodies literally show us when something is not for us, and with milk, there are many warning signs. You can read more information about the impact of milk on people HERE.

Impact on the Environment

For the sake of profit, the dairy industry ignores its negative impact on the environment.

A large emission of greenhouse gases comes from livestock farming, and through no fault of their own, cows are the biggest contributors to this.

There are about 270 million cows in the world that are raised for milk and each one of them produces, during digestion, a lot of gases that change the climate. Per hour, 30-50 liters of gas are produced, mostly carbon dioxide and methane.

In addition to methane and carbon dioxide from animals, greenhouse gas emissions include the footprint of animal feed as well as manure decomposition.

Do you know that 1 liter of milk needs 1000 liters of water to produce?

The dairy industry uses a huge amount of resources, especially forests and water, and causes significant water and air pollution. You can find out more information about the impact of the dairy industry on the environment in our post HERE.

How can you help?

Milk propaganda is deeply rooted in our modern life. Colorful advertisements have convinced us that we need milk for our health, skillfully hiding the awful truth that it destroys us, animals and the environment. Animal milk is just a well-marketed product and it is getting harder to hide the “TRUTH about MILK” because people are becoming more aware. (NOTE: our campaign is called “IstiNE o MLIJEKU” which is a wordplay that has two meanings: “The TRUTH about MILK” & “Say NO to MILK”)

As for personal health, as well as for animal cruelty and the impact of this industry on the environment, many choose plant-based milk.

This small change reduces the consumption of animal milk, and thus the production of the same. Less production means fewer unhappy animals and less pollution, and your health will thank you.

Be part of the movement for a more compassionate and sustainable world!


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