LOVE IS… UNIVERSAL! Every heart loves equally!

On Valentine’s Day, our organization launched a campaign under the symbolic name “LOVE”. The campaign dawned on February 14, 2024. in five BiH cities – Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar and Zenica. At a total of 21 locations, you could see billboards with the slogan “LOVE IS… UNIVERSAL! Every heart loves equally!”. Although we often associate love with human relationships, the truth is that the language of love extends beyond our species.
COOKING WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN “LITTLE SCHOOL OF HEALTHY TASTES”: Healthy snacks should be an important part of children’s diet

On Monday, 05.02.2024. year, in the restaurant Bistro Zdravo, we held a culinary workshop for a small group of children aged 6 to 11 under the name “Small School of Healthy Tastes”. Our educator Ena Tešić, master of nutrition and owner of the “Veggae” Nutritional Counseling Center, made healthy snacks with the children. This is the second workshop that our association has organized for our youngest fellow citizens, as well as for their parents.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS: Become part of the VivaBiH activist group

Our organization is looking for hard-working MEMBERS who, through the work of our activist group, want to give their voice to those who do not have one.
Are you concerned about the way animals are treated, primarily because of their diet, and do you feel helpless?
Do you want to stand up for the rights of all animals?
Are you proactive and don’t wait for things to happen to you, but take matters into your own hands?
If the answer to all three questions is YES, then we are looking for you!
VivaBiH invites you to contribute to the development of activism for animal rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Learning, Cooking, and Fun Socializing with Ena

As part of our VegOdluka program, we organized joint online and live gatherings where we had the opportunity to socialize, exchange impressions from the program, learn about nutrition, and cook together. On Saturday, January 20, 2024. year, we held the event “Socializing with Ena” in the premises of Bistra Zdrav, where our Ena Tešić, Master of Nutrition and owner of the Nutritional Counseling Center “Veggae”, held a lecture and culinary workshop.
WHO ARE WE EATING?: Behind Your Meal Lies a Living Individual

Our campaign titled “WHO ARE WE EATING?” (KOGA LI JEDEMO?) appeared in five cities – Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar, and Zenica.
From December 20, 2023, to January 3, 2024, at a total of 26 locations, you could see billboards and citylights with the slogan “Koga li jedemo? Razmislite prije nego što uzmete viljušku!” (Who are we eating? Think before you pick up your fork!). Additionally, the campaign was featured on 70 displays across 14 vehicles in Sarajevo.
CULINARY WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN “SWEET LITTLE CLASSROOM”: Preference should be given to healthy sweets and desserts

On Friday, 01.12.2023. in the restaurant Bistro Zdravo, we held a culinary workshop for a small group of children aged 6 to 11 called “Slatka mala ucionica”. This is the first workshop that our association has organized for our youngest fellow citizens, as well as for their parents. WHY WAS IT IMPORTANT FOR US TO ORGANIZE THIS WORKSHOP? Children very quickly begin to feed themselves and choose foods according to their own needs. Just then, it is necessary to gradually educate them about proper eating habits and food selection. Sweets and sugar are a big problem, and in childhood they are almost unavoidable. Did you know that children and adolescents consume three and a half times more sugar than the recommended intake limit! Given that sugar is a big problem for children’s health, we decided to devote our first culinary workshop to making healthy desserts and sweets!
New year, new VegOdluka

We are approaching the end of 2023. Has this year fulfilled your expectations or are you still following bad habits such as unhealthy food?
December is the time for making famous New Year’s resolutions. This year too, our organization will be there by your side to help you realize your decision when it comes to a healthier, compassionate and sustainable diet, so we hereby invite you to make your VegOdluka and to try to be vegan for a month.
VegOdluka is our project that has been implemented for three years so far, and it takes place during the month of January. This plan includes suggestions for three meals each day, along with nutritional values.
Street performance reveals horrific life in captivity

To raise public awareness about the lives of animals on factory farms and to show our support for animals in need of our help, on Saturday, September 30th, 2023, we held a street performance in front of the Eternal Flame titled “Život u zatočeništvu” (Life in Captivity).
The second VivaBiH Fest – say YES to veganism

This year’s VivaBiH Fest will be held on November 4th and 5th at Hotel Holiday in Sarajevo, under the slogan “Reci DA veganstvu” (Say YES to veganism).
Just like last year, you can expect great educational workshops and panel discussions, vegan food exhibitors and a music and entertainment program, and like last year, the entrance will be FREE.
SAVE THE PLANET: A Campaign to Promote Dietary Change

Last week, our campaign “SAVE THE PLANET” launched in five cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar, and Zenica.
Since September 13, 2023, you may have seen billboards with the slogan “The climate is changing, so should our eating habits.” Additionally, the campaign has been displayed on screens in 17 buses across these cities.
This initiative is designed to encourage citizens to reflect on their eating habits, which have a direct impact on climate change and the environment.